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Jolly Cow Chocolate Milk: My Kid’s New Favorite!

Plain milk is much the same as what it says: plain. While I do trust that simplicity is beauty, I don’t think this specific quote applies to milk as plain milk is definitely not delightful: it’s boring. In this manner, chocolate milk is a favored option particularly when drinking milk is a need to guarantee my calcium intake. What makes it more fun is I can make my baby drink it with me and she’s getting a charge out of it!

JollyCow Chocolate Milk does not have the artificial taste that other brands have. As it is produced using genuine fresh milk, it’s what I truly trust for me and my little girl to drink. The creamy consistency is great! It’s not overdone which adds more to its ‘realness’. What’s more, not only that, it has genuine cocoa!


I need this! With everything fake surrounding us, this is definitely a breath of fresh air. And speaking of fresh, it has sealed in freshness! Well, should I say,  this sealed the deal for me!

Purchasing chocolate drain feels like a hassle since I don’t have any container where I can transfer it to and it’s for the most part loathsome to lug around and store at home since at some point, it would probably turn into an icky carton of chocolate drain with cardboard flavor. Be that as it may, JollyCow Chocolate Milk has proven me otherwise. The packaging was apparently durable and lasted  for a reasonable time in our fridge. I usually chug all the milk I can in light of the fact that I’m anxious that it’s just going to leak. To my surprise though, it surpassed my expectations for a cardboard box.

So overall, I like JollyCow Chocolate Milk. We’ll definitely have this as a part of our daily routine with my baby! 🙂

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