Home Editors Picks San Pedro Cathedral Holy Week 2014 Schedule

    San Pedro Cathedral Holy Week 2014 Schedule


    San Pedro Cathedral released its scheduled activities for the Holy Week 2014.


    The Holy Week schedule is as follows:
    San Pedro Cathedral Parish
    Holy Week and Easter Triduum Celebration
    April 13-20, 2014



    San Pedro Cathedral Holy Week 2014 Schedule 1
    San Pedro Cathedral Holy Week 2014 Schedule 2
    The Holy Week celebration will begin at 4:30 a.m. on Palm Sunday, April 13, with a Mass and a Palm Blessing. It will be officiated by Archbishop Romulo G. Valles, DD.
    Valles will also officiate masses on Holy Thursday, April 17: the Chrism Mass at 7:30 a.m. and Mass of the Lord’s Supper with washing of the feet of the Twelve Apostles. He will also oversee Good Friday Mass on April 18—the Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion—at 3 p.m.
    On Black Saturday, Valles will lead the Meditation on the Sleep of Death of Christ and the Easter Vigil Celebration at 6 p.m.
    On Easter Sunday, April 20, the schedule will be the same as regular Sunday Community Mass schedules.


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