As Davao Eagle Online (DEO) continues to discover young talents in Davao, we would like to introduce another promising youth from Glam Model House, JM Mediano.

This young man knows how to carry himself well as a student and as a model. His confidence and wit make him stand out among his peers, which makes him a good example of his generation.

So, to give you more of JM, here’s our exclusive interview with him.

Keep it gentle


San Pedro College / Human Resource Management

Who is JM Mediano?

I am who God wants me to be. I am who I am, I am what I am, I do what I do and I ain’t gonna do it any different. I don’t care who likes it and who don’t.

How were you discovered?

In a modelling convention.


How would you describe your fashion style?

Right now, it’s pretty hip-hop and street. Like the slicked black hair, denim or casual coat and topsider.

Your personal passion or hidden talents?


How do you see yourself ten years from now?

I want to see myself growing and learning a lot from my experience, and have a stable work as an HR manager.


What’s your favorite word?


What’s no fun for you?

Getting bored.

Famous person you’d like to meet?

Robert Downey


Your current eye candy?

(Sorry girls) I’d trade you for an expensive car.

What’s your favorite movie?

Iron Man, Spider Man, Attack on Titan, etc.

What’s your dream modeling job?

To be a commercial model at Premier Model Management in UK.


What’s on your current playlist?

I listen a lot on hip hop and R&B.

What’s your beauty secret and essential grooming routine?

Baby soap is all I have for my face. When I used other products, I got really bad acne. When I stopped it, my face cleared up, and I think this will apply to a lot of people, too. Any baby soap is fine, because it’s really gentle and it doesn’t leave any residue. Sleeping early as well.

Any quote that sums you up?

Some of the best moments in life are the ones you can’t tell anyone about.


Why Davao?

Because Davao is #1 safest city in the world.

The Boys From the South Editorial 03

“Keep It Gentle”

Photographed by Patet Fermin
Grooming by Roben Jatico
Featuring JM Mediano of Glam Model House
Words by Richard Diongson & Pat Maruhomadil