Home Events PWC Conducts Vaccination Program for A4 in Davao City

    PWC Conducts Vaccination Program for A4 in Davao City

    vaccination program
    Credits to PWC Facebook Page

    To secure the safety of the educators in Davao City, the Philippine Women’s College (PWC) in coordination with the City Government of Davao, City Health Office, and Davao Colleges and Universities Network (DACUN) facilitated a vaccination program to the A4 (essential front-liners) priority group in the academe sector.

    The inoculation drive in PWC has pioneered in inoculating individuals in the A4 group in Davao City. The first phase started last June 26, 2021 prioritizing the personnel from PWC, Holy Cross of Davao College (HDDC), and Davao Doctors College (DDC). Another tranche of vaccination rollout happened last July 3-4, 2021 for the stakeholders of DACUN.

    Credits to PWC of Davao Facebook Page

    At present, the immunization drive in PWC has vaccinated almost 1,500 workers and stakeholders of the private schools in Davao City. The fourth and fifth phases of inoculation were conducted at UM Bolton last July 5-6, 2021.

    “We appreciate the efforts of the City Government of Davao in protecting the educators. There are 3,000 doses which are allotted for the members and stakeholders of DACUN. If the teachers are secured, we can guarantee a better quality of education amidst the pandemic,” Paolo Gaudencio Naval, Vaccination Site Supervisor, stated.

    Naval lauds the government for giving sufficient supplies of vaccines that enable them to cater more workers from other private schools in the city. He also acknowledged the support of the DDC in providing medical practitioners to make the inoculation drive possible.

    “Through this vaccination program, we are hoping that we can go back to normal, wherein our children have access to a friendlier, healthier, and better quality of learning environment. I believe that students can learn more effectively when they are physically present with their colleagues and teachers”, he added.

    Naval also emphasized that being a vaccination hub is a privilege. It is more than just a vaccination hub but it is a hub for hope and inspiration, where it can bring the normalcy of learning. PWC and other members of DACUN look forward to helping the efforts of the government and the private sector to end the pandemic.

    Apart from the vaccination program, PWC also conducted community extension initiatives through its PWCares program which seeks to empower communities to help them attain additional sources of income during the pandemic.