Home Gadgets & Shopping Free umbrella deal for every Debenhams purchase

    Free umbrella deal for every Debenhams purchase


    Rainy days and Mall hours, nothing can keep you down. Oh yes. With Debenhams, you’ll be asking the weather to fit your outfit liking. And fret not! Go on and let it pour.



    Debenhams Abreeza has a great deal that is perfect for the intermittent rains. Take advantage of a free umbrella for every single receipt purchase of P3,500 on regular items.

    So what are you waiting for? Shop now at Debenhams located at the ground floor of Abreeza Mall, J.P. Laurel Avenue, Davao City.

    Photos lifted here.

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    Hi, I am Richard Diongson, a lifestyle blogger from the Philippines. I love travelling to different places, trying out different food every now and then. I love social events like gathering of bloggers, themed parties, showbiz personalities gathering, and the like. Four (4) Interesting (little-known) facts about me: A. It may not show but I love farm living. In fact I have farm back in the province. B. I am single. lol C. I don't know how to ride a motorcycle yet but I am very excited to learn now that I have decided to buy a new one. D. I am writer and a social media influencer. Pet Peeves: A. I really find bullying annoying and unacceptable. It is just not right. B. I hate people who don't show up during a scheduled meeting/appointment whether in or out of work. C. People who "get cheap on me".