Home Food & Restaurants Globe Telecom Celebrates 0917 Day

    Globe Telecom Celebrates 0917 Day

    Globe community has been always looking forward to every year. Tomorrow, September 17, is known as Day 0917 in the Globe family. This is the day wherein Globe gives back to its subscribers by making all things wonderful happen.
    There will be a seriesof exciting online activities throughout the day that we want you to be a part of.
    Wonderful Connections Video
    At around 8AM – 10AM, we will be launching the Wonderful Connections Video, wherein we will show how 3 different people forge connections with people they miss the most. We encourage you to post this video link tomorrow around the specified time (video link:http://bit.ly/ZnGphd – Today, link is still unlisted; be mindful of the schedule of its posting so your followers can view it.)

    Here are your sample tweets:
    September 17,  8AM – 10AM

    a. These 3 people did the challenge to connect with someone. (link) #WonderfulStories
    b. 3 people, 3 different ways to connect. (link) #WonderfulStories
    In conjunction to the video, DJ Mo Twister will be holding a Twitter promo. Mechanics and other details will be sent tomorrow so you can also share it to your followers.
    You can use these sample spiels as a guide for your tweets when you post the video on Twitter:
    a. These 3 people did the challenge to connect with someone. (link) #WonderfulStories
    b. 3 people, 3 different ways to connect. (link) #WonderfulStories
    Part of Day 0917’s highlight will be the launch of Wonderfilm. It is a short video competition for film students to create 5-minute video that show their #WonderfulStories.
    We will be needing your influence to spread this word tomorrow. Materials will be sent tomorrow together with sample spiels.
    Just a quick recap of the different online activities we encourage you participate in on September 17/Day 0917:
    8:00AM – 10:00AM   Sharing of the Wonderful Connections video (Twitter/IG/FB)
    10:00AM – 5:00PM   #WonderfulStories promo (Twitter/IG)
    5:00PM Onwards     Wonderfilm announcement (Blog/Twitter/FB)GlobePW1