Home Events MTV EXIT Roadshow Davao City 2013

    MTV EXIT Roadshow Davao City 2013


    After a week of awareness raising activities across Davao, MTV EXIT Philippines and MTV EXIT Youth Ambassadors to Davao would like to invite everyone in the community to stand together against #humantrafficking and exploitation at FREE PUBLIC CONCERT on Saturday September 21st, at Matina Town Square, Davao. Doors open at 5:30pm.


    Featuring FRANCO and local artists; Lost tribe, Maan Chua, Anne Mendoza, Umbro,South Breed & lucas.

    This concert is produced in partnership with MTV EXITAustralian Agency for International Development (AusAID)USAID – US Agency for International DevelopmentASEAN Secretariat, SMART Prepaid and DAKILA.

    INVITE your friends and family and tell them you are going and RSVP and SHARE the event today! There is limited space at the concert venue.

    Join the online conversation today with #MTVEXITDavao. Visit www.mtvexit.org to learn more.

    JOIN NOW!!!!