Home Out of Town Snapping Pictures at Taoist Temple Cebu

    Snapping Pictures at Taoist Temple Cebu


    After a filling breakfast, we were quick to shift to tourist mode. We kept our eyes peeled for any worthy spot, perfect for some picture picture.

    Feeling a bit on the heavier side, we drove off to 3rd Street, Beverly Hills Subdivision, Lahug, Cebu City. We checked out Taoist temple that’s been gaining hype among tourists.


    Good to Know


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    The temple built last 1972 by group of Chinese to have a worship place for Taoism. It is elevated for about 270 meters above. Taoism is a religion that strictly adheres to the teachings of Lao Zi, an ancient Chinese philosopher. Worshippers and devotees of Taoism go to the temple to pray to the gods to grant their wishes and perform Taoism rituals. One of their primary rituals is Wishing wherein a devotee comes inside the church barefooted to wash his hands and pray. After that, he drops two blocks of wood. If both blocks are facing up, then one can make a wish. Another ritual is Fortune Reading by climbing 81 steps representing the 81 chapters of Taoism scriptures, light joss sticks, and have fortune read by monks.


    Highly Recommended


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    If you’re ready for more sight seeing, then we suggest to visit Taoist Temple. Here you will get serious spot overlooking Cebu City and maybe to take a glimpse of the Taoism ritual. A replica of the Great Wall of China could mesmerize you. Must-see spots includes a souvenir shop, library, wishing well, several dragon sculptures and chapels.


    A Friendly Reminder


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    Remember that you’re a visitor and you’re expected to abide by the rules of the place. Picture taking is allowed, but keeping the place solemn should be kept at all time. Taking pictures of the altar is not allowed. If you wish to enter the temple’s altar, don’t wear shorts and sleeveless.


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    The place is free and open to the public (unlike the nearby Phu Sian Temple) everyday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.


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